Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What i learn about this class is stove could do wile we are in the computer.The project she though us are very import en and i like the one of the safety on cyber space.This project help me lot and show me that when i m in the computer and someone is talking with me and i don't know i should not talk back.What i like about this class that they show us lot's of tech thing we need it.I was best in the taping to get rich and to make my work on time.What i like about this class was that i made new friend's.I wish next class good luck for this class.This projects help on stove i didn't know.This was a good school year but is time to move on.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The rags to riches help us prepared  for the exam because it tell us import en questions we need. If we won't play the game we might get like a bad great. The game is like a training  for us so we could do well in the test.It helps me to have a good grade on the test.

Monday, January 12, 2009

We could use email in the real world in office as a nurse doctors use it lot of email specially when they have to move to a different city they use it to talk to there needs, email is a very  import en in the real world. When you learn how  to use attachment you could do petty god on computers.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Learning about attachments is important because if we get in a computer an something go's wrong we bight need to us attachments to see how is doing that. It would be better to send a blind copy to some one because they won't get all of are infomation

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I didn't do nothing on chrismas because i didn't celebret it at all.